"For most my work is extravagance and myth. It is, however, a truth for those who can comprehend it. I love it not the less because it has been superficially judged and little understood by the common herd. It is not meant for them!"
Canadian actor Michael Ironside bears an uncanny resemblance to Fyodor Dostoevsky.
The Akashic Records tell us there is no connection, however.
Check it with a pendulum.
False comparisons have been used by New Agers to promote deep trance channeling and past life regression therapies. These techniques are asking us to accept the control and authority of lower astral beings. Demons! But more importantly, they are simply used as conduits for the dissemination of political propaganda and the creation of cults.
New Age gurus and the Lower Astral are uniting to form a Nazi demonic mind control network!
It's all about mind control, exploitation and HIDING the truth.
All people connected with the media are behind this conspiracy.
The Illuminati own the media. Their job is to reinforce authority, while keeping us in a perpetual state of ignorance and dependence.
Dostoevsky's literary output explores human psychology in the troubled political, social and spiritual context of 19th-century Russian society. He is the precursor of 20th century existentialism.
Dostoevsky reincarnated as Bernard Sumner, a founding member of the band Joy Division.
Curtis was greatly influenced by the writing of Dostoevsky and Kafka.
Members of the same soul group often struggle to deal with similar issues ...
... but not necessarily in the same lifetime.
Dostoevsky had epilepsy and his first seizure occurred when he was 9 years old.
Despite the band's growing success, vocalist Ian Curtis was beset with depression and personal difficulties, including a dissolving marriage and his diagnosis with epilepsy. Curtis found it increasingly difficult to perform at live concerts, and often had seizures during performances.
Curtis's wife, Deborah also knew Kafka. She is the reincarnation of Dora Diamant.
Dora became Kafka's lover and influenced his interest in the Talmud.
Milena Jesenská married avant-guarde Czech architect Jaromír Krejcar.
Krejcar reincarnated as Tony Wilson.
Wilson was very supportive of the band during the early years.
Jesenská's family is believed to descend from Jan Jesenius, the first professor of medicine at Prague's Charles University who was among the 27 Bohemian luminaries executed in the Old Town Square in Prague on June 21, 1621 for defying the authority of the Hapsburgs' Catholic empire.
Jan Jesenius is another of Bernard Sumner's past lives!
During the Nazi occupation Milena Jesenská was active in the resistance, and was sent to the Ravensbruck concentration camp. It's interesting that while she was there, she won a huge amount of respect from her fellow prisoners - because of her willingness to put other prisoners' interests before her own, something that seemed to characterize her throughout her life. She died in Ravensbruck from typhus in May 1944, still in her late forties.
Joy Division borrowed their name from the prostitution wing of a Nazi concentration camp mentioned in the 1955 novel The House of Dolls.
While performing for Joy Division, Curtis became known for his quiet and awkward demeanor, as well as a unique dancing style reminiscent of the epileptic seizures he experienced, sometimes even on stage. The resemblance was such that audience members were sometimes uncertain if Curtis was dancing or having a seizure; there were several incidents where he collapsed and had to be helped off stage.
Joy Division made their recorded debut in June 1978 when a track of theirs, "At a Later Date", was featured on the compilation album Short Circuit: Live at the Electric Circus, which had been recorded live on 2 October 1977. That same month, Joy Division self-released their debut EP, An Ideal for Living. In the Melody Maker review of the EP, Chris Brazier said that it "has the familiar rough-hewn nature of home-produced records but they're no mere drone-vendors—there are a lot of good ideas here, and they could be a very interesting band by now, seven months on." The packaging—which featured a drawing of a Hitler Youth member on the cover—coupled with the nature of the band's name, fueled speculation about their political affiliations. While Hook and Sumner later admitted to being intrigued by fascism at the time, Morris insisted that the group's obsession with Nazi imagery came from a desire to keep memories of the sacrifices of their parents and grandparents during World War II alive. He argued that accusations of neo-Nazi sympathies merely provoked the band "to keep on doing it, because that's the kind of people we are."
Over time, Ian Curtis began to sing in a low, baritone voice, which often drew comparisons to Jim Morrison of The Doors (one of Curtis's favourite bands). His normal speaking voice was rather high-pitched, however.
Truths of great import are hidden in plain view, but few, so very few, ever get to see them!
Most of the biographical data relating to famous living, dead or reincarnated persons was either copied directly from articles found at Wikipedia or slightly modified. It therefore remains free under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL).
Past life readings were supplied by trained expert Brianstalin who has studied with various gifted healers and teachers including the Dalai Lama.
Brianstalin reminds us that although the Akashic Records remains the ultimate source of all knowledge, we must access this source directly in order to determine the truth of what he or anybody else is telling us.